Psalm 1

Find rest in knowing God’s Word can and will sustain you. The Bible promises those who take delight in God’s Word will be blessed and refreshed.

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Psalm 1:3
Dear Lord, You are the source of life, love, and fruitfulness. Tonight, as my head lays gently on my pillow, I want to be planted by You, roots dug deep into fertile soil beside the flowing streams of truth, love, and life. Position me in the place of peace, and give me purpose in Your presence. As I sleep, make me like a tree with branches reaching skyward - stretching upwards towards the call of heaven. The wicked will wander, and their leaves will eventually wither. But I know if I remain steadfast in You, I will run and never grow weary. I will prosper because of Your guidance, counsel, and Spirit. Bring me refreshment and life in Your word, Lord. Teach my heart to be still like a tree planted by living water. In Jesus’ Name, I pray, Amen.
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